Design is more than graphic content. It is the interplay of images and words, or the convergence of a message’s contents with its method of delivery.

Design is more than graphic content. It is the interplay of images and words, or the convergence of a message’s contents with its method of delivery.
This Seinfeld series conclusion marks the 30th anniversary of season one. Part 3 examines the many ways our societal norms and consumer habits have changed, from longer life expectancy to the extinction of video stores.
The Malcolm W. Martin Memorial Park has the best view of the Gateway Arch from across the Mississippi River. This is a gallery of photos in all weather conditions, taken from November 2015 through April 2017.
Part 2 of this Seinfeld series reviews technologies and vehicles that were prevalent during its run. Cell phones and the internet have transformed how we communicate, and many vehicle make and models ceased production.
Seinfeld aired its pilot episode thirty years ago on July 5, 1989. This three-part series examines the many societal changes over the decades, with the Part 1 focusing on brands, celebrities and locations.
A good logo identifies a business. A great logo tells you their story. As a series, Silicon Valley is a wicked satire of tech culture. As a story, the fictional company Pied Piper’s trajectory informs their brand.
Adobe XD (Experience Design) is an odd mix of useful features and glaring omissions. It has a clean GUI, low learning curve and a few nice functions, but it’s also missing important website interactivity capabilities.
Chief Design Officer, Jony Ive, leaves Apple after nearly three decades with the company. I review his tenure after Steve Jobs’ return in the late-90’s, as well as five of his greatest production designs.