Thirty years ago, Seinfeld’s pilot episode aired in a sleepy summer time slot. Considered so unremarkable, it nearly failed to become a series… an inauspicious beginning that contrasts interestingly to what is often acclaimed as the greatest sitcom in TV history, having cemented its legacy in nonstop syndicated rotation.
What is remarkable to me about Seinfeld is how incredibly quaint it looks now: products have changed, many of the vehicles aren’t made anymore, and modern norms of society are quite a bit different. Yet, it’s still endlessly quotable and hilarious.
This three part series reviews many aspects of society that have changed, evolved or ceased to exist since Seinfeld aired, and is organized by topic:
Part One: The Un-Branding, Dunkers & Dictators, and The Mom & Pop Stores
Part Two: Hot Wizards With Many Functions, and Sweet Rides
Part Three: Society Now!, and What Consumer, I’m The Consumer?!
The Un-Branding
Brands come and go, and products constantly need to adapt and refresh in order to survive. Almost every name brand product shown on Seinfeld has changed in one way or the other, if not having altogether exited the market. As consumers, we’ve kiboshed before… and we will kibosh again.

Dunkers & Dictators
Thirty years is a long time in terms of our narrow window of mortality, and many famous names who were part of an episode plot have moved on to the great velvet fog of the afterlife.

The Mom & Pop Stores
Life moves fast in New York City. While buildings – and even some businesses – may stand for many generations, none are impervious to changes in consumer habits, building codes and bloody noses.

The Un-Branding
Drake’s Coffee Cakes: History
Drake’s Coffee Cakes: Corporate Locations
Pepsi logo history
Diet Pepsi logo history
Binaca flavors
Dustbuster: Models
Dustbuster: 1990 Commercial
Nesquik history
Ringling Brothers bids farewell
Compaq merges with Hewlett-Packard
What happened to Compaq
Compaq LTE Elite 4/75CX laptop review
Mello Yello logo history
Mug Root Beer logo history
Baskin Robbins logo history
Twix logo history
New York Giants logo history
Dunkers & Dictators
Joe DiMaggio
Dick Gregory
Mickey Mantle
Clete Boyer
Rudy Guiliani: bio
Rudy Guiliani: evolution
Rudy Guiliani: latest news
Saddam Hussein
Jackie Kennedy Onassis
Artie Shaw
Fidel Castro
Mel Torme
George Steinbrenner
Luciano Pavarotti
Jose Carreras: final performance
David Letterman: Late Show’s final episode
David Letterman: new Netflix series
Phil Rizzuto: bio
Phil Rizzuto: baseball hall of fame
Anthony Quinn
Jim Fowler
Merv Griffin
The Mom & Pop Stores
Moe Ginsburg
Bradleys Jazz Club
Price Club
Club USA: closing
Club USA: end of “club kid” movement
O’neals Restaurant
Improv Comedy Club
Kenny Rogers Roasters
Yankee Stadium
P&G Cafe
Catch A Rising Star: Louis CK recollection
Catch A Rising Star: Wayne Federman recollection
Gladiator Gym